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Bear Archery Bows

bear archery


If you are an experienced hunter you know that compound bows with proper draw weight including hunting accessories, and ready-to-hunt packages can be quite expensive if you don't know what to buy.

Barriers to archery entry are hyped by the hunting industry and when you are new to archery it is really daunting to choose the right. You can get lost in the review articles and spend thousands to buy everything you need and get started.

Bear Archery

The brand has been around for close to 100 years and offers products ranging from compound bows, traditional bows, crossbows, youth, and recreational bows, and great hunting accessories.

Doesn't matter if you are a beginner hunter who doesn't want to break the bank or an experienced one who is after the latest technology, improved draw weight, speed, and latest broadheads there is an option for you at Bear archery.

Bear Species EV RTH Bow Package Mossy Oak

How Are Bear bows different?

The React Technology

Trophy Ridge is the sister company and has great hunting accessories available for Bear bows. The developers at the brand came up with the most innovative site available in the hunting industry. The Sight has React technology that allows your pins to react to each other. In less than 10 minutes you can be sighted in from 20-60 yards

ECO Cam technology

With this innovation from Bear archery, you can hold a full draw restfully without compromising your shot. When you pull your Bear bow with the ECO cam system, you get this smooth transition into a deep valley before hitting the stiff back wall at up to a 90%.

Ready to Hunt Bow Package

The Bear archery bows come fully equipped with everything you will need to go on a perfect hunting trip with friends. The Bear RTH and Bear RTH Extra bundles come with a complete suite of accessories from Trophy Ridge.

There is no need to find customization and extra parts as you will be given without any extra effort. The bows come with a Whisker Biscuit, Trophy Ridge sight, Trophy Ridge stabilizer and Sling, Trophy Ridge 5-arrow quiver, Peep sight, and nock loop. With all that it has to offer, it is no doubt that the bow is worth buying.

Fred Bear Legit RTH

Vibration Reduction System

One of the most annoying things that a hunter faces is when the arrow shoots, the draw cycle makes noise, and thus the noise scares away the target. Nothing hurts more than seeing a target scared away. The Bear Archery has created a solution for that problem by providing a system that is noise-free. New Vibration Reduction System helps stabilize and reduce lingering riser vibration while working together with the Shockwave Dampening System to reduce limb vibration.

It is as quiet as a mouse while shooting so the targets remain calm as much as they can. The vibration of the bow is quiet, and you can hunt in peace without scaring away the animals. The system lowers total bow vibration by up to 25% resulting in a smooth and silent shot.

Light and Fast

With its structure engineered to fit almost every shape and size, it provides a nice shooting game with just the right amount of speed. The total speed this bow provides is 300 to 350 FPS, and it is more than enough to accommodate a nice shooting day.

The speed can vary if you change the arrows. A brief explanation would be that if your arrows are lighter, the speed will be greater, and if the arrows are on a little heavier side, the speed will be slower. This slight change in the structure and composition makes a major difference in the speed and bear archery.

Fred Bear Legit RTH Package Shadow

Eccentric System & Draw Cycle

As the naked eye is never enough to ace a shot from a long distance, the Bear Archery bow is fitted with dual cameras that help to shoot the perfect shot in a single take. With this innovative technology, it is almost impossible to miss a shot.

The draw cycle of the bow is easy and for the hunter, it feels effortless. This means that when it shoots the arrow, the system is quick and your next arrow will be ready in a matter of milliseconds. The composition of the bow makes it easy to use, and the technology adds to the accuracy many times.

Are Bear Archery bows good?

There are a lot of quality bow brands, that don't get the publicity that others do. Bear Archery is a prime example of a quality product and a price. Don't get fooled into thinking that you will shoot better if you get a more expensive bow. Bear makes fantastic bows for the beginners like Cruzer G2 RTH or more advanced hunters like Legit RTH Extra.

We shot many bows and can tell you this, any bow is capable of shooting better than 98% of the shooters. Find what is best for you and what fits in your price range. Brand's mission is to make archery more accessible. They've stood the test of time there must be a reason.

Fred Bear Grizzly Recurve Bow 58 in. 35 lbs. RH

Who are Bear bows made by?

Bear Archery is located in Gainesville, Florida, and is owned by Escalade Sports. The company manufactures bows and archery equipment for many years now. Bear bows were not one of the first compound bow manufacturers in the USA but eventually found their fortune with the first bow models like the Whitetail Hunter in the 1970s.

Is Bear Archery from Fred Bear?

Fred Bear once said, “If you are not working to protect hunting, then you are working to destroy it”. He founded the company in early 1933 with the simple mission of making archery accessible to everyone. With the simple and powerful message, the Bear brand is well loved and respected for the bows and hunting accessories by bow hunters today.

What we think

Purchasing a bow is quite easy, but knowing which one you need can be difficult. Bear archery is a great one to start your hunting journey. We can vouch for it, as we shot many arrows with this brand. You can subscribe to our email list as we run exclusive promotions and offers all the time on our website. Get ready for this hunting season with the right accessories and proper bow. Live, Laugh, Hunt...


